Da ich im Internet nirgendwo eine ausdruckbare Teilnehmerliste finden konnte, habe ich mir selbst eine erstellt. Für alle Interessierten hier als jpg-Datei.
It's a really nice day. The sun is shining outside and this evening there is the final of the Eurovision Song Contest!
Since I couldn't find a printable participants list on the Internet , I've created my own. For all interested people here as a jpg file.
Wenn ihr euch einen Titel auf YouTube ansehen wollt, reicht meistens die Eingabe "ESC 2010" mit dem Landesnamen.
If you like to watch you a song on YouTube, usually the entry "ESC 2010" with the country name is enough.
Zuerst meine persönlichen Favoriten aus den beiden Halbfinalen. Diese sind (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):
- Belgium: ein Sänger mit Gitarre und ein sehr ruhiger Titel
- Georgia: eine Sängerin mit Musical-Erfahrung, was man der perfekten Bühndarbietung deutlich ansieht.
- Israel: eine wunderschöne Ballade auf hebräisch - ich verstehe also kein Wort, aber klingt super! ;-)
- und Sweden: Ich liebe diesen wundervollen Titel einer jungen Sängerin, die leider nicht ins Finale weitergekommen ist. :-(
First, my personal favorites from the two semi-finals. These are (in alphabetical order):
- Belgium: a singer with a guitar and a unplugged song
- Georgia: the female singer is a former musical-performer which is pretty obvious when you see the perfectly choreographed performance
- Israel: a beautiful ballad in Hebrew - I understand not a single word, but it sounds great! ;-)
- Sweden: I love this beautiful song, by a young female singer, which unfortunately didn't make the final
Und jetzt meine endgültigen Tipps vor dem Finale, wer es in die Top 5 schafft
Leider habe ich die Beiträge von Deutschland, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Spanien und Norwegen noch nicht live auf der ESC-Bühne gesehen, da diese ja nicht im Halbfinale waren.
- Georgien
- Türkei
- Israel
- Aserbaidjan
- Deutschland
- Alternativen: Belgien (6), Serbien (7)
And now my predictions before the final, who makes the Top 5
Sorry, I haven't seen the participants from Germany, Great Britain, France, Spain and Norway on the ESC stage live yet as they didn't need to take part in the semi-finals, so it's hard to judge these.
- Georgia (the performance was just perfect in the semifinal and it's a lovely song)
- Turkey (sounds a bit like Linkin 'Park to me and it different from all other participants which is usually a lot of points good for)
- Israel (I personally love this song, but I am not sure if others share this opinion)
- Azerbaijan (I know this song is leading the odds, but it's not one of my personal favourites, but I think many will vote for it)
- Germany (I love the song and the performer, since I've heard it many times before, but I'm not sure if people will like it immediately when hearing it for the first time)
Have fun watching the contest!

1 comment:
Hi Sandra!
First of all, thanks for the printable list, I will use it tonight for reference (and a drinking game with my friends :P).
I like your predictions! Not totally orthodox, which is nice.
I find funny this year that some of the best songs are sung by singers not up to the task (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Israel... I'm looking at you!). Conversely, some very good singers have underwhelming songs... (Islandia? Spain? Germany?) Well, just IMHO ;-)
Ukraine is the single most interesting song, in terms of not being typical radio formula... good music in there!
Anyway! Let's have a great time tonight! Thanks again, cheers!
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